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Earth Sciences

The Earth sciences department aims to understand natural processes and explore opportunities for the sustainable development of a population.


We work towards water and food security under the changing global climate for social impact through ease of living. The research projects address global warming through carbon sequestration in soil ecosystems, mineral-microbe interactions, and enhanced rock weathering studies.


The hydrogeological research will propose remedial solutions to develop sustainable strategies for river rejuvenation to meet future water demands.


The climate change studies with emphasis on carbon dioxide capturing, utilisation, sequestration, are explored. These projects intend to develop bio-mediated technologies to improve agricultural and soil ecosystems.


Samples collected from the field studies will be analyzed at Prayoga’s sophisticated instrumentation lab using suitable separation and characterization techniques such as HPLC, GCMS, AAS, ICP-OES, and XRD.

Research Connect

If you would like to contribute to our work or learn more about our research activities, connect with us!

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