Partner with Us
A unique opportunity to contribute to the future of education through innovative, research-driven initiatives.
We humbly recognise that Prayoga’s mission can be reached, and progress towards this goal is made through partnerships and collaborations with diverse institutions and organisations. We aim to forge mutually beneficial and enriching partnerships of various kinds.
Foundational Partnership
We invite you to support us as our long-term partner in building an institution that will create a lasting impact in the next few decades, remain resonant through time, and serve the cause of nation-building.

CSR Partnership
We invite you to assist us in enhancing our research capabilities and achieving significant social impact by providing research-supported educational opportunities to socially and economically disadvantaged groups within society.

Academic Partnership
We invite you to assist us in enhancing our research capabilities and achieving significant social impact by providing research-supported educational opportunities to socially and economically disadvantaged groups within society.

Scientific Research Partnership
We invite you to collaborate with us on scientific research challenges, utilising our mutually complementary capabilities and research facilities.

Industry Research Partnership
Prayoga, acknowledged as a Science and Industrial Research Organisation by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India, and possessing exemption under Section 35(1)(ii) from the Department of Income Tax, can serve as a research partner for industries in addressing their scientific research challenges.